Special Schedule
Homework Policy
Homework packets are sent home every Monday and are not due back until Friday. They go home weekly unless specified otherwise.
Homework packets include reading log, spelling list, spelling words 3 times each, spelling sentences, and math worksheets.
Homework is due on Friday, if it is turned in on Monday it will be 50%.
If it is turned in any other day after that it will result in a 0.
Behavior Charts
Behavior Charts are in your child's take home folder and should be signed every night. They should never be removed from the folder.
Contact Me
If you have any questions or concerns please email me at [email protected].
Classroom Wishlist
If anyone would like to donate items to our classroom please find my classroom wishlist posted below. 2nd grade appreciates your love and generosity!
Scholastic Book Orders
If you are planning to place an order from Scholastic Books, please order online with our class code.
Our Class Code is: TVKP6